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Bibles for the World 888-38-Bible /
719-630-7733 A Bible for every family on earth in ten years.
Read on to learn about this revolutionary plan...and then join in!
Bibles For The World has pioneered a remarkable, cost-effective way for you
to touch lives around the world with the Gospel!
You can send Bibles to unreached peoples using the ¡°Billion Bible Box,¡±
containing Bibles, mailing labels, and Fed Ex packing materials with the shipping
Using names and addresses from local telephone directories, Bibles For The
World has mailed over 16 million Bibles to people in 108 nations where often few
missionaries have been able to work.
Explore this site and learn about how you can join the Billion Bible Club.
Together we can reach the one billion families who otherwise will never hear the
name of Jesus.

English Language Institute/China ELIC Your skills as a native English speaker are urgently needed
right now in Asia. Teach English and build quality relationships with college
students, professionals, or K-12 students who are the present and future leaders
of China, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.ELIC provides

Fuller Theological Seminary (SIS Korean Studies) 626-584-5529
/ sisks-ma@dept.fuller.edu Ç®·¯ ½ÅÇб³´Â1947³â ¶óµð¿À ¹æ¼Û
¼³±³ÀÚ·Î ´ç´ë¸¦ ´ëÇ¥ÇÏ´ø ÀüµµÀÚ, Âû½º Ç®·¯(Charles E. Fuller)¿Í º¸½ºÅÏ ¼ÒÀç ÆÅ ½ºÆ®¸´ ±³È¸ ´ãÀÓ¸ñ»ç Çì·Ñµå ¿ÀÄа¡(Harold
J. Ockenga)¿¡ ÀÇÇÏ¿© Ķ¸®Æ÷´Ï¾Æ ÁÖ ÆÄ»çµð³ª(Pasadena)½Ã¿¡ ¼³¸³µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù. Ç®·¯ ½ÅÇб³ ¼³¸³ÀÇ ¸ñÀûÀº º¹À½ÁÖÀǸ¦ ÁöÇâÇÔ°ú ¾Æ¿ï·¯
Çй®ÀûÀ¸·Îµµ ¼¼°èÀûÀÎ ¼öÁØÀÇ Çб³¸¦ ¸¸µå´Â °ÍÀ̾ú½À´Ï´Ù. ¼³¸³ÀÚµéÀÇ ºñÀü´ë·Î Ç®·¯ ½ÅÇб³´Â ¼³¸³µÈÁö 54³âÀÌ µÇ´Â Áö±Ý ¼¼°è ÃÖ´ëÀÇ º¹À½ÁÖÀÇ
½ÅÇб³·Î¼ ±× ½ÅÇÐÀû ¼±±³Àû »ç¸íÀ» °¨´çÇØ°¡°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù. Ç®·¯ ½ÅÇб³ ³»ÀÇ ¼¼°³ÀÇ ´ëÇпø °¡¿îµ¥ ÇϳªÀÎ ¼±±³´ëÇпøÀº ±³È¸¼ºÀåÇÐÀÇ ´ë°¡·Î ¾Ë·ÁÁø
µµ³¯µå ¸Æ°¡ºê¶õ (Donald A. McGavran)¿¡ ÀÇÇØ ¼³¸³µÈ ÀÌÈÄ ¼±±³ÇÐ ºÐ¾ß¿¡¼ ¼¼°è ÃÖ´ë ÃÖ°íÀÇ ¼±±³´ëÇпøÀ¸·Î ¼ºÀåÇØ ¿À¸é¼ Çϳª´ÔÀÇ
³ª¶ó¿Í ±³È¸¸¦ À§ÇÑ ¼±±³ ÁöµµÀÚµéÀ» ¾ç¼ºÇØ¿À°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.

Gospel for Asia 888-405-7878
/ infokorea@gfa.org GFA's vision is to train and send 100,000 native
missionaries into the most unreached areas of Asia. By God's grace over 14,000
native missionaries are now serving and planting over 10 churches every day. You
can help sponsor an Asian brother or sister for $30 per month--100% goes
directly to the field!

Int¡¯l Institute for Christian Studies 913-962-4422
/ teach@iics.com The IICS vision is that someday every university student in the world will have
at least one instructor who will articulate and demonstrate the love and
lordship of Jesus Christ for them.

Interserve USA Interserve USA is one of several National Councils around the world who
cooperate in providing means for people to serve God by serving others. We are
part of an international fellowship of Christians who want to be Servants for
the hard places. We serve in countries across North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia and
among immigrant people in the U.S.
We use our professional skills to minister to the physical, emotional, and
spiritual needs of the people that we serve.
We seek to spread the Gospel where it is least known helping people
understand their options regarding faith, believing that many will choose to
become disciples of Jesus Christ.

MAI Medical Ambassador Int¡¯l Medical Ambassadors International (MAI) views the duty of developing
resources in support of the mission as a ministry (I Timothy 6:17-19; II
Corinthians 8:7, 9:9-12; Philippians 4:17). MAI is committed to resource
development practices and policies that glorify God. We desire that our efforts
and materials be pleasing to Him.

Mercy Corps 503-796-6800
/ mcchina@hanmail.net Mercy Corps alleviates suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people
build secure, productive, and just communities. Since 1979, Mercy Corps has provided over $830 million in assistance to
people in 80 nations. The organization's 2000 staff worldwide currently reach 6
million people in more than 35 countries. More than 91% of the agency's
resources are allocated to programs that directly assist those in need. With headquarters in the United States and Scotland, Mercy Corps is an
international family of humanitarian agencies that reaches more than six million
people each year. Your support can make a world of difference.

OMF International 303-730-4160
/ info@omf.org Overseas Missionary Fellowship (formerly the China Inland Mission) founded by
Hudson Taylor in 1865. Through God's grace we aim to see an indigenous biblical
church movement in each people group of East Asia, evangelizing their own people
and reaching out in mission to other peoples.

Opendoors with Brother Andrew 317-859-0698
/ jacks@odusa.org There are many
ways that YOU can strengthen persecuted Christians. We encourage you to learn
about what our brothers and sisters are facing and partner with us to help
Christians living in countries closed and hostile to the Gospel of Jesus

SIM Connecting YOU to the world God
loves. SIM is a global community of interdenominational Christians, passionate
about reaching people with the love of Jesus Christ. Our motto is "By Prayer."

University of the Nations
¿¹æ´ëÇÐ, Kona Hawaii 808-326-7228 There's no place in
the world quite like the Kona, Hawaii, campus of the University of the Nations.
Our spectacular location, innovative facilities, open-air lifestyle and unique
courses all give ample reason to come here.

WEC 215-646-2322x176
/ cho@missioncompass.com WEC¡¯s mission is to share the gospel with as many of the world¡¯s
unevangelized people as possible before Jesus returns. Our primary objective is
to gather believers into local church bodies and lead them to spiritual
maturity. Wherever God places us we endeavor to mobilize and train believers for
cross-cultural missions. We also acknowledge our responsibility to demonstrate
Christ¡¯s compassion to a needy world around us.

World Vision 253-815-2476
/ jikim@worldvision.org 1950³â Çѱ¹ ÀüÀï Áß °íÅë°ú Àý¸ÁÀ¸·Î ½ÅÀ½ÇÏ´ø ÀüÀï °í¾Æ¿Í ¹Ì¸ÁÀÎÀ» µ½±â À§ÇØ Çѱ¹ÀÇ ÇÑ°æÁ÷ ¸ñ»ç¿Í ¹Ì±¹ º¹À½ÁÖÀÇ ÀüµµÀÚ ¹ä ÇÇ¾ó½º ¸ñ»ç°¡
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Wycliffe Bible Translators 888-567-5336
/ Sunny_Hong@wycliffe.org ºÏ¹ÌÁÖ¿¡ »ì°í ÀÖ´Â ÇÑÀεéÀº ¾ð¾î¿Í ¹®È¿¡ ÀûÀÀÀ» ÇØ¾ß ÇÏ´Â ºÎ´ãÀ» °¡Áö¸ç »ì°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù. ±×·¯³ª ¹Ù·Î ÀÌ °æÇèÀÌ ¼±±³»çµéÀÌ ¼±±³Áö¿¡¼ ÀûÀÀÇÒ
¶§ °¡Àå Å« Àå¾Ö¹°ÀÎ ¾ð¾î¿Í ¹®ÈÀÇ À庮À» ¶Ù¾î³Ñ´Âµ¥ È¿°úÀûÀ¸·Î ¾²¿©Áú ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù´Â »ç½ÇÀ» Çѹø »ý°¢ÇØ º¸¼Ì½À´Ï±î? À§Å¬¸®ÇÁ ¼º°æ¹ø¿ª
¼±±³È¸ (Wycliffe Bible Translators) ÀÇ ÇÑÀÎ »ç¹«±¹ (Korean North American Mobilization)
¿¡¼´Â ºÏ¹ÌÁÖÀÇ ÇÑÀÎ ±×¸®½ºµµÀε鿡°Ô ¼±±³¿Í ¼º°æ¹ø¿ª »ç¿ªÀÇ Á߿伺°ú ±ä±Þ¼ºÀ» ¾Ë¸®°í, ¶Ç ¿©·¯ºÐÀÌ ÀÌ »ç¿ª¿¡ Âü¿©ÇÏ¿© ÈÄ¿øÀ» ÇÏ½Ç ¼ö ÀÖµµ·Ï
¿©·¯ °¡Áö ¹æ¹ýÀ¸·Î µ½°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.

YWAM 808-323-8009 Welcome to YWAM. We're glad you've chosen to visit our international web site.
As you'll soon find out, we're an organization that is varied. We have people
from many nationalities of the world, various generations, and we have
ministries into most of the nations of the earth. And all kinds of ministries.
We call it a family of ministries. Our passion that holds us together is to know
God and to make Him known. And we want to follow Jesus every step of the way. If
we can help you in any way to know God, or to make Him known, please call on us.
We'd love to serve you. And we too want to see the nations of the earth
worshiping our God. God bless you.
>Á¦5Â÷ ÇÑÀμ¼°è¼±±³´ëȸ Àü½Ã´Üü ¸®½ºÆ®>ÇÑÀδÜü
21¼¼±â ¼¼°è¼±±³¼¾ÅÍ 714-736-0021
/ evangelia21@hotmail.com

02-3345-3080 / lci2020@hosanna.net ±¹Á¦»ç¶ûÀǺÀ»ç´ÜÀº
¸ðµç Àΰ£Àº »ç¶û¹Þ¾Æ¾ß ÇÒ °í±ÍÇÑ Á¸Àç¶ó´Â ¼º°æÁø¸®¿¡
ÀÔ°¢Çؼ °íÅë¹Þ´Â ¼¼°èÀÇ ÀÌ¿ôµéÀ» »ç¶ûÀ¸·Î ¼¶±â¸ç,
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±âµ¶±³ÅÚ·¹ºñÁ¯ (CTS
±âµ¶±³TV) 02-751-4223 / 213-351-9615(¹Ì)
/ Webpd@cts.tv

¸¸³ª¼±±³È¸ 201-328-7566
/ manausa2004@yahoo.com Manna
Mission of USA is an organization
dedicated to helping our brothers and sisters in North Korea and China by
providing assistance towards hunger relief, medical services, and education.
¹ÌÁÖº¹À½»ç Korean
Gospel Week Inc. 703-356-0222
/ kgmission@hotmail.com

¹Ù¿ï¼±±³È¸ 063-254-8418
/ tpmk@bauri.org ¹Ù¿ï¼±±³È¸´Â "¿Â õÇÏ¿¡ ´Ù´Ï¸ç ¸¸¹Î¿¡°Ô º¹À½À» ÀüÆÄÇ϶ó(¸·16:15)"´Â ¿¹¼ö´ÔÀÇ
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À̵¿ÈÖ ¸ñ»ç´Â ¼¼°èº¹À½È¸¦ À§ÇÑ ¼±±³»ç¸¦ ÆļÛÇϱâ À§ÇÏ¿© 1983³â 3¿ù 27ÀÏ ±³È¸ÀçÁ¤ÀÇ
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ÆļÛÇϱ⿡ À̸£·¶´Ù. (2004³â 10¿ù)

°³¹ß¼±±³È¸ KDAB 032-502-3390
/ kdab@bangla.net 1987³â 5¿ù ¹æ±Û¶óµ¥½Ã ´ÙÄ«¿¡¼ ¼³¸³ÀÚ Àå¼øÈ£¸¦ ºñ·ÔÇÑ °¿øÈñ,
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1990³â 1¿ù¿¡ ¹æ±Û¶óµ¥½Ã Á¤ºÎ¿¡ ±¹Á¦ NGO·Î ¹ýÀεî·ÏÀ» ÇÊÇÏ¿´´Ù. 1995³â Àα¹ ±¹°¡·ÎÀÇ »ç¾÷ È®ÀåÀ» À§ÇÏ¿© ±¹Á¦°³¹ßÇùȸ¶ó´Â À̸§À¸·Î
º¯°æÇÏ¿´´Ù°¡ ÇöÀç´Â »ç´Ü¹ýÀÎ ¹æ±Û¶óµ¥½Ã °³¹ßÇùȸ(KDAB)¶ó´Â À̸§À¸·Î ´ëÇѹα¹ ¿Ü±³Åë»óºÎ µî·Ï »ç´Ü¹ýÀÎü·Î ¹æ±Û¶óµ¥½ÃÀÇ Áö¿ª»çȸ °³¹ß»ç¾÷,
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»ç¾÷ µîÀÇ ºÐ¾ß¿¡¼ ÁýÁßÀûÀ¸·Î È°µ¿ÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Ù.

SWIM fisher@swim.org ÀÎÅͳÝÀº ¿Â ¼¼°è¸¦ Çϳª·Î ¹¾îÁÖ´Â ±â¼ú°ú °úÇÐÀÌ Çϳª´ÔÀÇ ÀºÇý¿Í ÁöÇý·Î ºú¾î³½ Æí¸®ÇÏ°íµµ À¯¿ëÇÑ µµ±¸ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ÀÌ ¿¸° ±æÀ» ÅëÇÏ¿©
SWIMÀº ¼±±³ÀÇ ¹®ÀÌ ´ÝÇôÀÖ´Â ¶¥¿¡ º¹À½À» ÀüÇÏ°íÀÚ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. À̸¦ À§ÇØ SWIMÀº ÀÎÅͳݻóÀ¸·Î °¢ ³ª¶ó ¾ð¾î·Î µÈ ÀÎÅÍ³Ý ¼±±³±³È¸¸¦
¼¼¿ì°í, ÇöÁö ÆÄ¼Û ÀÎÅÍ³Ý ¼±±³»ç¿Í ±¹³»¿¡¼ »ç¿ªÀ» Áö¿øÇÏ´Â ÀÎÅÍ³Ý ¼±±³»ç¸¦ ¹èÃâÇÏ¿© ¾çÀ°À» ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ÀÎÅͳÝÀº ÇØ¿Ü ¼±±³Áö¿¡ ÇöÁö¾î·Î µÈ º¹À½À»
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½Ç¹ö¼±±³È¸ Silver
Mission Fellowship 847-612-8520
/ unkjung@hanmail.net ½Ç¹ö¼±±³ÈƷÿø(SMTC)Àº ½Ç¹ö¼±±³È¸(SMF) »êÇÏ º¹À½ÁÖÀÇÀû, ±³È¸ Áß½ÉÀû, Ãʱ³ÆÄÀû, ¼±±³ÈÆ·Ã Àü¹®±â°üÀ¸·Î ¼¼°èº¹À½È¸¦ À§ÇÏ¿©
Á¶±â ¶Ç´Â Á¤±â ÀºÅð ÈÄ »îÀ» ¼±±³ »ç¿ªÀ» ÅëÇØ Çϳª´Ô²² Çå½Å ºÀ»çÇÏ·Á´Â ½Ç¹ö¼±±³»çµéÀ» ÈÆ·ÃÇÏ´Â ÈƷñâ°üÀÌ´Ù.

Á¤½Å°Ç°Å¬¸®´Ð Epahtha Mission 201-313-8000
/ emha@ephatha.org ¿¡¹Ù´Ù¶ó´Â ¸»Àº ½Å¾à¼º°æ ¸¶°¡º¹À½ 7Àå34Àý¿¡ ¿¹¼ö´Ô²²¼ ±Í¸Ô°í º¡¾î¸® µÈÀÚ¸¦ °íÄ¥½Ç ¶§ ÇϽŠ¸»¾¸À¸·Î
¡°¿·Á¶ó(be opened)¡±¶ó´Â ¶æÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ¿ì¸®´Â ¿¹¼ö´Ô²²¼ ÀÌ ¶¥¿¡¼ »ç¿ªÇϼ̴ø °ÍÀ» º»¹Þ¾Æ, »ç¶÷µéÀÇ ´«°ú ±Í ±×¸®°í
ÀÔ°ú ¸¶À½ÀÌ ¿·Á¼ À°Ã¼Àû, Á¤½ÅÀû, ¿µÀû, »çȸÀûÀ¸·Î ±ÕÇüÀâÈù ¿ÂÀüÇÑ »îÀ» »ìµµ·Ï µ½°íÀÚ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ÁÖ·Î ¼±±³ ÇöÀå¿¡¼ ÀÏÇÏ´Â ¼±±³»çµéÀÇ
È¿°úÀûÀÎ »ç¿ªÀ» Áö¿øÇϱâ À§ÇÏ¿© °¢ÀÚ°¡ °¡Áø Àç´É, Áö½Ä, ¹°Áú°ú ½Ã°£ µî °¡¿ëÀÚ¿øÀ» Á¤º¸ÈÇÏ¿© ÇÊ¿äÇÑ °÷¿¡ ¹èÄ¡, ±³È¯ÇÏ´Â ÀÏ¿¡ ÃÊÁ¡À» ¸ÂÃß°í
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JDM(Jesus Disciples Movement) 425-774-6594
/ jdmusa@hotmail.com ¿¹¼öÁ¦Àڿ(JDM)Àº ÁÖ´ÔÀ» »ç¶ûÇÏ´Â ÀþÀºÀ̵éÀÌ Àü»ý¾Ö¸¦ ¿¹¼ö ±×¸®½ºµµ¸¦
À§ÇÏ¿© »ì±â·Î ÀÛÁ¤ÇÏ°í ¼º°æ°øºÎ·Î ¸ðÀÌ¸ç ±íÀº ±³Á¦¸¦ ³ª´©´ø Áß¿¡ ÁÖ´Ô²²¼¡®¸¸ÀÎÀ» ±×¸®½ºµµÀÇ Á¦ÀÚ·Î »ïÀ¸¶ó(¸¶
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¿¹¼öÁ¦Àڿ(JDM)Àº ±×¸®½ºµµ¸¦ ¸ð¸£´Â Àڵ鿡°Ô º¹À½À» ÀüÇÔÀ¸·Î »õ »ý¸íÀ»
ÁÖ°í(·Ò 6:4), ±×¸®½ºµµÀε鿡°Ô ¸»¾¸°ú ±³Á¦¸¦ ÅëÇÏ¿© »çµµÇàÀü¿¡ ³ªÅ¸³ ÃÊ´ë ¼ºµµµéÀÇ ¼º·ÉÃ游ÇÑ »îÀ» ¿µÀ§ÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖµµ·Ï ÀεµÇÏ°í(Çà
2:4),±×µé¿¡°Ô ºñÀüÀ» Á¦½ÃÇÔÀ¸·Î ±× ÀλýÀÌ ÁÖ´ÔÀÇ »ç¿ª¿¡ Çå½ÅµÉ ¼ö ÀÖµµ·Ï(¸¶ 6:30) ÈÆ·ÃÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Ù.
ÀºÇý¼±±³ÀÇ Áý Grace
Mission House 213-487-6115
/ gracemission@aol.com

Emmanuel Word Picture Ministries 847-903-3645
/ ewpicture@hotmail.com To fulfill the Great Commission given by
Jesus Christ through the use of word pictures to support Christian work such as
child evangelism, scholarships for orphans, and other general relief work for
children around the world.

ÀüµµÆø¹ß EEII
KAC 301-460-2972
/ eeiikac@gmcusa.org ±¹Á¦ ÀüµµÆø¹ßÀº ¹Ì±¹ Ç÷θ®´Ù ÄÚ¶ö¸®µð Àå·Î±³È¸ÀÇ Á¦ÀÓ½º µð Äɳ׵ð ¸ñ»ç´Ô¿¡ ÀÇÇؼ â¼³µÇ ¾î ´ÙÀ½°ú °°Àº ¸ñÀûÀ» À§ÇØ »ç¿ªÇÏ°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.
1. ÀüµµÆø¹ß »ç¿ªÀº Æò½ÅµµµéÀ» ÀüµµÀÚ·Î ÈÆ·ÃÇÏ´Â »ç¿ªÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ´Ü¼øÇÑ °Àdzª ±³À°¿¡¼ ±×Ä¡´Â °ÍÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï¶ó ÇöÀå¿¡¼ º¹À½À» ÀüÇÏ´Â ½Ç½ÀÀ»
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2. ÀüµµÆø¹ß »ç¿ªÀº Á¦ÀÚÈÆ·Ã »ç¿ªÀÔ´Ï´Ù. Æò½Åµµ¸¦ ÀüµµÀÚ·Î ÈÆ·ÃÇÒ »Ó ¾Æ´Ï¶ó ¶Ç ´Ù¸¥ »ç ¶÷À» ÀüµµÀÚ·Î ÈƷýÃų ¼ö ÀÖ´Â ÈÆ·ÃÀÚ·Î
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3. ÀüµµÆø¹ßÀº Áö¿ª ±³È¸¸¦ ¼¼¿ó´Ï´Ù. ÀüµµÆø¹ßÀº Áö¿ª±³È¸ÀÇ »ç¿ªÀ» ±âÃÊ·Î ÇÏ¿© ÀÌ·ç¾îÁö ¸ç »ç¿ªÀÇ ¿¸Å°¡ Áö¿ª±³È¸ÀÇ ¼ºÀå¿¡ Á÷Á¢ÀûÀ¸·Î
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Áß±¹µ¿Æ÷ µ¿ºÏ¾Æ¼±±³È¸ 562-882-9496/213-505-5202
/ cuiminLA@yahoo.co.kr

Áßµ¿¼±±³È¸ 02-3436-3307
/ met24@chol.com 1973³âºÎÅÍ Áßµ¿¿¡ Çѱ¹ÀÇ °Ç¼³¾÷ü°¡
ÁøÃâÇÏ°Ô µÇ¸é¼ ÇÑÀα³È¸µéÀÌ ¼¼¿öÁ³´Ù. Çѱ¹±³È¸ ¼ºµµµéÀº ô¹ÚÇÑ »ç¸· ¶¥°ú °°Àº Áßµ¿ÀÇ ¿µÈ¥µéÀ» À§ÇÏ¿© ¶ß°Å¿î ±âµµÀÇ ´«¹°À» Èê·È´Ù.
1983³â¿¡´Â ¿ª»çÀûÀ¸·Î ´Ü ÇϳªÀÇ ±³È¸µµ ¾ø´ø »ç¿ìµð ¾Æ¶óºñ¾Æ¿¡¸¸ 100¿© °³ÀÇ ÇöÀå ±³È¸°¡ ¼¼¿öÁ³´Ù. Äí¿þÀÌÆ®¸¦ ºñ·ÔÇÑ Áßµ¿Áö¿ªÀÇ
ÇÑÀα³È¸µéÀÌ ÇÑÀα³È¸ ¿¬ÇÕȸ(ÁßÇÑÇù)¸¦ ÀÌ·ç¾ú´Ù. 1984³â 7¿ù 30ÀÏ¿¡ Äí¿þÀÌÆ® ÇÑÀα³È¸¸¦
ºñ·ÔÇÑ Áßµ¿Áö¿ª ÇÑÀα³È¸µé°ú ¸¹Àº ºÐµéÀÇ ±âµµ¿Í °Ý·Á °¡¿îµ¥ 52¸íÀÌ ±Øµ¿¹æ¼Û ¿¹¹è½Ç¿¡¼ ⸳¿¹¹è¸¦ µå¸²À¸·Î º» ¼±±³È¸°¡ ¼³¸³µÇ¾ú´Ù. ¼³¸³
Ãʱ⿡´Â Áö¿ª ÇöÀå ±³È¸¿Í ÇÑÀÎ ¿¬ÇÕ±³È¸ÀÇ Áö¿ø°ú Áßµ¿¿¡¼ ±Í±¹ÇÑ ±Ù·ÎÀÚµéÀÇ ±âµµ¸ðÀÓ À§ÁÖÀÇ »ç¿ªÀ» Àü°³ÇÏ¿´´Ù. 80³â´ë ¸»ºÎÅÍ À̽½¶÷±Ç ¼±±³¿¡
´ëÇÑ Á߿伺°ú Ã¥ÀÓÀÌ ºÎ°¢µÇ¸é¼ ÇØ¿Ü ÆÄ¼Û ´Üü·Î¼ÀÇ ¸é¸ð¸¦ °®Ã߱⠽ÃÀÛÇÏ¿© ÇöÀç Áßµ¿ À̽½¶÷ Áö¿ª 30¿©°³±¹¿¡ 70¿©¸íÀÇ ¼±±³»çµéÀÌ »ç¿ªÇÏ°í
Áö±¸ÃÌ°íµîÇб³ 051-505-8656
/ glenshin@hanmail.net
Çлý½Å¾Ó¿îµ¿(SFC) Student for Christ 215-549-6880
/ vkykim@msn.com
Assemblies of God Korean District Council 425-745-8099
/ johnsyoon@hanmail.net
Evergreem MK School

Faith Academy 63-2-658-0048
/ chiyonhuh@hotmail.com Faith Academy, located in Manila with a branch campus in Davao, is an
international Christian school primarily for the children of expatriate
Christian workers in the Philippines and throughout Asia. We are committed to
equipping our students to be Christ-like, life-long learners. We endeavor to
provide each of our students with a dynamic, relevant education.

FONTS (Friends of Nagoya Thelogical Seminary) 610-260-0182
/ kwangkim@comcast.net Friends of Nagoya Theological
Seminary is organized as a nonprofit corporation. Its primary purpose is to
support a theological seminary to be formed in Nagoya, Japan. Our hope is to care for and
strengthen our missionaries serving in Nagoya with love and prayer. The
scriptural foundation for our organization is found in Romans
10:14-15. We have faith our love and prayers
that are fueled by the Spirit will result in spiritual growth, evangelism, and
the glorification of our Lord, Christ Jesus.

Frontier Mission and Computer FMnC 02-848-6251
[LA] 310-806-6251 FMnC(Frontier
Mission and Computer)´Â
21C Á¤º¸È ½Ã´ë°¡ ¿äûÇÏ´Â IT Àü¹®ÀÎ ¼±±³´ÜüÀÔ´Ï´Ù.
¼±±³Á¢±Ù Á¦ÇÑÁö¿ªÀÌ Áõ´ëµÇ°í ÀÖ´Â Ãß¼¼¿¡ »õ·Î¿î Àü¹®ÀÎ ¼±±³Àü·«À¸·Î IT¸¦ ÅëÇÑ Ã¢ÀÇÀûÀÎ ¼±±³Àü·«À»
°³¹ßÇÏ°í, Ÿ ±³È¸ ¹× ¼±±³´Üü¿Í »óÈ£ Çù·ÂÇÏ¿© ¹ÌÀüµµ Á¾Á·À» ¼¶±â°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù

GP USA 714-774-9191
/ gpusa@pacbell.net ÇöÀç GP¼±±³È¸´Â Àü ¼¼°è 20¿©°³±¹¿¡¼ 120¿©¸íÀÇ ¼±±³»ç°¡ »ç¿ªÇÏ°í ÀÖÀ¸¸ç º»ºÎ »ç¿ªÀº ±¹Á¦ º»ºÎ¸¦
ºñ·ÔÇÏ¿© Çѱ¹°ú ¹Ì±¹¿¡ º»ºÎ°¡ ÀÖÀ¸¸ç ÀüÀÓ°£»ç¿Í Çùµ¿°£»ç¸¦ Æ÷ÇÔÇÏ¿© 10¿©¸íÀÇ °£»ç°¡ »ç¿ªÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Ù.

LOJE 718-353-0224
/ ryu@loje.net
Midwest Theological Seminary 636-327-4645
/ iea@midwest.edu Midwest Theological Seminary is an independent, evangelical,
international, Interdenominational institution of Christian higher education
that emphasizes instruction combining distance education with residential
learning. Our goal is to equip men and women with a Christian worldview that
will motivate them to love and serve both God and their neighbors in obeying
Jesus' Great Commission as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20.

Messengers of Mercy
(MOM) 630-580-5074
/ Joyousministries@hotmail.com M.O.M. ¼±±³È¸´Â Æò½ÅµµÀÇ Àç´É°ú ÁÖÀ§¿¡¼ ¾òÀ» ¼ö ÀÖ´Â ÀÚ¿øÀ» »ç¿ëÇÏ¿© ¿¹¼ö ±×¸®½ºµµÀÇ º¹À½ ÀüÆÄ¿Í ¼±±³»ç Áö¿øÀ»
¸ñÀûÀ¸·Î 7°¡Á¤¿¡ ÀÇÇØ ½ÃÀ۵Ǿî 1996³â, ¹Ì ¿¬¹æÁ¤ºÎ¿¡ ºñ¿µ¸® ±â°üÀ¸·Î µî·ÏµÇ¾ú´Ù.
¼Ò¾Æ°ú ÀÇ»ç, ÃÖ¼øÀÚ´ÔÀÌ ºÏÇÑÀ» ºñ·ÔÇÏ¿© įº¸µð¾Æ, Àεµ³×½Ã¾Æ, ÄɳÄ, À̵ð¿ÀÇÇ¾Æµî ¿©·¯ ¼±±³ Áö¿ª¿¡
´Ü±â ÀÇ·á ¼±±³¸¦ ´Ù´Ï¸ç ¼¶±â´ø Áß, Çϳª´ÔÀ¸·ÎºÎÅÍ Æ¯º°ÇÑ vision (¿ä 6:12)À» ¹Þ¾Æ ¹Ì±¹ ³»¿¡ Â÷°í ³ÑÃÄ ³²Àº ¹°°ÇµéÀ» ¼öÁýÇؼ
¼±±³Áö¿¡ º¸³½ °ÍÀÌ °è±â°¡ µÇ¾ú´Ù. º»ºÎ¸¦ ½ÃÄ«°í¿¡ µÎ°í ¹Ì±¹ ÀÚ¼± ´Üüµé°ú Çù·ÂÇÏ¸é¼ Ãʱ³ÆÄÀûÀ¸·Î ¹Ì±¹ Àü¿ª ÇÑÀÎ ±³È¸µéÀ» ÅëÇÏ¿© °øµ¿ ¿¬ÇÕ »ç¿ªÀ» ÆîÃÄ
³ª°¡°í ÀÖ´Ù. MOM ¼±±³È¸´Â Æļ۱â°üÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï¸ç ±³È¸Áß½ÉÀ¸·Î¼±±³Áö¿¡ ÇÊ¿äÇÑ °ÍµéÀ» Áö¿øÇÏ¸ç ¼¶±â´Â ¼±±³ ÈÄ¿ø ´ÜüÀÌ´Ù. ¹Ì±¹ ³»¿¡¼´Â
¼Ò¼ö¹ÎÁ·À¸·Î »êÀçÇØÀÖ´Â À̽½¶÷±Ç ¼±±³¿¡ °ü½ÉÀ» µÎ°í ¼ö´Ü ¹æ¹ýÀ» µ¿¿øÇÏ¿© ÀüµµÇϵµ·Ï °±¸ÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Ù.
SEED International 703-689-3133
/ email@seedusa.org

Withee International 323-868-4171
/ namhooncho@yahoo.com 1997³â¿¡ ±¹³»ÀÇ ¿Ü±¹ÀÎ ±Ù·ÎÀÚ ¼±±³¸¦ À§ÇÏ¿© ¼³¸³µÈ Withee´Â ¼±±³/±³À°/±¸Á¦¸¦ ÅëÇØ º¹À½ÁÖÀÇ ¿Ü±¹ÀÎ ±Ù·ÎÀÚ ¼±±³¸¦
ÀÌ·ç°í, ¿ª ÆļÛÇÑ Native ¼±±³»çµé°ú ÇÔ²² 10/40âÀÇ °¢ ³ª¶ó¿¡ ÁöºÎ¸¦ ¼¼¿ö International NetworkingÀ» ÅëÇØ ÃÖ»óÀÇ ¼±±³¸¦ ÀÌ·ç´Â Ãʼ®À»
±¹³»ÀÇ °¢ °ø´Ü Áö¿ª¿¡ ¿¹¹èó¼Ò¿Í ÁöºÎ¸¦ ÅëÇØ Áö¿ªº°/³ª¶óº° »ç¿ªÀ» ÇÏ°í ÀÖÀ¸¸ç, ƯÈ÷ Withee Bible Institute¸¦ ÅëÇÏ¿© Native ¼±±³»ç È帻ýµéÀ» ±³À°Çϸç,
10/40â °¢ ÁöºÎ¿Í ¿¬°èÇÏ¿© ÀÌ¹Ì º»±¹¿¡ µ¹¾Æ°£ ±Ù·ÎÀÚµéÀÇ ¿µÀû °ü¸®¿Í ÇöÁö ¼±±³»ç¿ªÀ» ÇàÇÏ°í ÀÖÀ½,
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World Mission Partners
WMP 562-902-3190
/ wmpus92@yahoo.com Àηù¸¦ ¸ê¸ÁÀ¸·Î ºÎÅÍ ±¸¿øÇϱâ À§ÇÑ Çϳª´ÔÀÇ ¼±±³»ç¿ªÀ» ÀÌ·ç½Ã·Á°í ±³È¸¿¡ ¸íÇϽŠ¿¹¼öÀÇ Áö»ó¸í·ÉÀ» ¼øÁ¾ÄÚÀÚÇÏ¿© º» ±â±¸´Â ¿ÜÁö ¼±±³¿¡ ÁÖ·ÂÇÔÀ¸·Î
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