기독교 한인세계선교협의회 세계선교소식 한인세계선교세계선교정보 한인세계선교대회 븍미주한인세계선교







제3차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 17. 특수선교

  17-25. 베이비붐 세대의 선교진출촉진


필 친 Phil Chinn

Phil Chinn is Director of Church Mobilization for Partners International. A specialist in building mission awareness and assisting mission committees to mobilize their congregations, he calls on his seventeen years of involvement in missions and his experience of leading the missions program at his own church. South Hills Community for seven years.


 Mobilizing "Boomers• For World Evangelization

1. Who are the "Boomers"

-  Why are they important.
-  What makes them different.

2. The "Boomer Belief System.

-  What makes them “tick"?

3. What do they look for in churches?

-  Churches must be fine-tuned to meet the needs of "Boomers"

4. What do they expect from missions?

-  Ingredients that a missions program must have to mobilize "Boomers"
-  What would make them more receptive to missions.
-  Key elements mission committees must address to mobilize "Boomers•



16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   l  T/845-267-4159  l  F/845-267-4169  l  kwmc@kwmc.com