1. What is Prayer?
Communion with God our Heavenly Father -Getting into harmony with God' swill
2. The Importance of Prayer
(1) lt is commanded of us (I Thes.5:17, Heb.4:1)
(2) It pleases God (Heb.11:6, Prov.15:8)
(3) It helps us know God better
(4) It is a means for accomplishing God' s work
3. The Elements of Prayer
(1) Worship and adoration
(2) Thanksgiving and praise
(3) Confession and receiving forgiveness
(4) Petition and Intercession
4. God's Promises Relating to Prayer
These are too numerous to itemize
Look up: Isa.65:24_ Ps37:4-5, 50:15, Matte.7:7-11, Mk.l1:24.Jn.14:13 & 15:7, 1Jn5:14-15
5. Prayer and Missions
Missions is God's work and He must work if anything of eternal value is to be accomplished. God works when His people pray.
Three suggestions:
(1) Pray for more workers Matt.9-35-38
(2) Maintain a general interest in God's Work worldwide
Pray around the world on some systematic basis
- Continent by continent
- For the missionaries your church supports
- Use Operation World or card packet of 70 spiritually Needy Nations
(3) Get deeply involved in praying regularly for one missionary or a missionary family
Pray every day using this weekly cycle of prayer topics
Day 1 The missionary's own relationship to God
Day 2 The missionary's physical and emotional life
Day 3 The missionary's family
Day 4 The missionary's ability to communicate
Day 5 His relationship with fellow-workers
Day 7 His country of service