기독교 한인세계선교협의회 세계선교소식 한인세계선교세계선교정보 한인세계선교대회 븍미주한인세계선교







제3차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 17. 특수선교

  17-20. 지신과 현지선교


송민호 Minho Song

Minho Song is Pastor in charge of English ministry at Young-Nak Presbyterian Church of Toronto. He went University of British Columbia and earned his M.Div. and Th.M. at Regent College and presently working on his Ph.D. in Inter Cultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is the author of 'Constructing a Local Theology for the Second Generation Korean Ministry.


1. Introduction 

Recently, heated debates have been waged among evangelical mission leaders concerning the understanding of "territorial spirits.” When missionaries enter into spiritually oppressed regions or people groups, what should be their most effective mission strategies? Should they fight off evil spirits in a given territory through some sort of power encounter before they preach the gospel?

2. Territorial Spirits•: Assumptions

3. Field Experiences

4. Evaluation of "Territorial Spirits

- a challenge to the Western worldview
- a biblical critique: Demons (evil spirits) in the Scripture

5. Conclusion - Warning from C.S. Lewis

"There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils (demons). One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe and to feel an unhealthy interest in them( (from Screwtape Letters) -Implications for World Missions



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