기독교 한인세계선교협의회 세계선교소식 한인세계선교세계선교정보 한인세계선교대회 븍미주한인세계선교







제3차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 15. 단기선교

  15-10. 단기선교를 통한 현지지도자 양성방안



Joseph S. Yang is EM Pastor and Associate Pastor at Korean Church of Milwaukee. He graduated from University of Illinois majoring Electrical Engineering and at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, he earned M.Div. And now he is Th.M. Candidate at Trinity School.


“Raising National Leadership Through Short-Term Missions"

1. Introduction
2. Importance of National Leadership in the Mission Field
3. The Need of Continuing Education for National Pastors
4. Current Options of Raising National Leadership
5. A Suggestion for Utilizing Short-Term Missions
6. Possible Benefits




16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   l  T/845-267-4159  l  F/845-267-4169  l  kwmc@kwmc.com