I. Introduction
1. What Makes a Team Multicultural?
2. The Multicultural Team (MCI) Context
II. Why Bother with MCTs?
1. Pros
2. Cons
III. Critical Factors of Being a Successful MCT
1. Perspective on:
1) The Nature of the Task
2) Influence of Cultural Values
3) Influence of Personal Values
2. A Healthy Respect for Others
3. A Commitment to God's Glory Fast and Foremost
IV. Introduction to Team Dynamics
V. An Overview of Bask Values in:
1. Responding
2. Organizing
3. Making decisions
4. Accomplishing
5. Preparing
6. Performing
VI. Some Unique Challenges Facing Korean-American Missionaries
1. Attitudes of Some Western Missionaries - Guess What? You're not really Western
2. Expectations of Some Missionaries from Korea -Guess What? You're not really Korean
3. Expectations of Some in the Target Country
VII. Some Unique Contributions of Korean-American Missionaries
VIII. Conclusion - Is this trip necessary?