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제3차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 12. 선교기관/신학교

  12-9. 선교단체간의 국제적인 협력


제임스 스토몰리스 James J. stamoolis

휫튼대학 선교학 교수


Partnership in Mission

1. Some Definitions of Partnership - What is partnership? The dictionary definition of partnership is "an alliance or association of persons joined together in a partnership" or "the fact or state of being a partner." A Partner is defined as "one that is associated in any action with another" or "one held to resemble such a partner in having with others joint rights and responsibilities."

2. Partnership in the Missionary Environment - Every successful attempt at missionary work involves some sort of partnership.

3. Biblical Foundations - The Bible has many examples of individuals and groups working together.

4. Common Examples of Supposed Partnership - Throughout history, the most common examples of partnership have been the employment of nationals to do evangelistic work alongside or in the place of missionaries.

5. Some Critiques of the Old Methods of Mission

6. Partnership Today




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