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제3차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 11. 지역교회와 선교

  11-15. 지역교회의 전도훈련 (영어권교회)


존 고

영어권 사역자


Develop the basic attitudes, skills, and knowledge needed £or effectiveness, then. through a cycle of action and reflection continue developing throughout your career.

In your preparation, avoid a narrow perspective. Seek to become a wellrounded missionary. Make the connections between and among the disciplines. Learn from and apply all of them (biblical studies, church growth strategy, anthropological/ethnographic insights, personal factors, spiritual factors).

Learn to be a self-directed learner. 

Make reflective practice a lifelong activity.

1) Be aware of your experiences; observe whether or not others have these experiences; identify the ways in which your experiences lead to desired outcomes or not.

2) Practice performing your skills and leanii1g new skills; emphasize doing, emphasize serving others.

3) Reflect on practice. Consider the results of your activity. Make decisions about how to modify or alter your practice in order to increase your effectiveness. Decide whether and what additional information may be needed. Then engage again in your activity.

What fundamental Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge do you need to develop in order to be effective as a missionary?

In order to get the most benefit from your training/ preparation, you must be dear about the desired outcomes. What attitudes, skills an knowledge would you add to this list? Attitudes&: Values: love for God, love £or people deep desire to ad for God glory and the peoples good positive, faithfilled perspective, able to rebound from hard times, not become paralyzed by discouragement confidence in the power of God through the gospel to change lives u deparochialization:w recognizing ones own narrowness; becoming open to appreciation of diversity; u different is not~ its just different willingness to set aside personal preferences desire to build up others; let them shine willingness to practice self-evaluation; willingness to be assessed by others

skills &: Abilities :

- evangelism
- ability to facilitate personal growth in others
- preaching&: teaching skill- including preaching to large groups ad facilitatin small groups
- ability to nurture leaders £or the church
- practical skills -writhing, <Dill.puter, building, or maintenance

Knowledge&: Understanding:

- know the Saiptures
- know people
- understand the nature and mission do the church
- Know the heart language of the people, their other tongue
- know the histmy, geography, &: culture of your adopted land
- know world religions
- know answers to objections

Resources for preparation

The local church

- theologically - mission flows from the church and results in the church practically- there is no better place to nurture and develop your Good-given missionary gifts than serving in the context of the church.
- Fonnal Bible &: missionological training
- Field experience, interships &: apprenticeships
- Veteran missionaries. Don't miss the valuable resource of experienced missionaries. Whenever you can, ask them the following questions:

1) What do you have to know, Be, and Do in order to be effective in your life and ministry as a missionary?
2) What experiences proved to be the most significant in preparing you to be a missionary?
3) What recommendations do you have £or me, a volunteer & missionary service?

Reference list

Chew, fun, 1990, When you cross cultures: Vital issues facing Christian missions, singapore: Navigators
Harley, David, 1995, Preparing to serve, Pasadena, Cal : William Carey Library
Lingenfelter, Sherwood, G. and Marvin K Mayers. 1986, Ministering cross-culturally, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.
Reed, Lyman E., 1985, Preparing missionaries, Pasadena, Cal : William Carey Library
Ward, Ted, 1984, Uving overseas: A book preparations, New York, N.Y.: The Free Press (MacMillan, Inc.)




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