1. The Biblical reality of Mission America
1) The thrust of the Great America
2) The Holy Spirit established cross cultural witness as the norm
3) Cross cultural witness was the basis of Paul's ministry
4) God controls history
2. The demographic reality of Mission America
1) What drives world immigration?
a. Population growth
b. World economics .
c. Technology
d. US immigration law
2) US population growth
a. History
b. Present
c. Future
3. The challenge of Mission America
1) The challenge of first generation immigrants
2) The challenge of second and third generation immigrants
3) The challenge of the integrated and intermarried
4) Ministry in the context of religious pluralism and relativism
4. The strategy of Mission America
1) Objectives
2) Philosophy
3) Homogeneity and unity in diversity
5. Conclusion – Partnership and servanthood in mission