I. Why is it so hard to reach Native America with the truth of the Gospel?
A. Animistic belief roots
B. Cultural differences
C. "White Man" history and issues of today
D. Christianity as they have seen it is powerless
E. Tremendous social disintegration-tremendous need.
II. BUT, it's not impossible-There are some very encouraging things happening among Native Christians.
A. Missions are learning to overcome many of the obstacles that have often been ignored and making good adjustments.
B. CHIEF and Native Evangelical Fellow ship of Canada-Native Christian Leaders
C. Culturally relevant materials and resources are being developed
D. "Rising Above" -They are beginning to deal with some of their major problems
II. Korean Christians can easily overcome many of the significant obstacles to reaching Native Americans for Christ.
A. First seen in Andrew and a Native Elder
B. Cultural similarities-Ran
C. Historical life issues similar-Jin
D. Same physical mark at birth
E. Not a "Whiteman" and all that goes with that
IV. Ministry opportunities