기독교 한인세계선교협의회 세계선교소식 한인세계선교세계선교정보 한인세계선교대회 븍미주한인세계선교







제3차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 3. 타종교/타문화선교

  3-3. 힌두권선교


마헨드라 싱할  Mahendra P. Singhal

Dr. Mahendra Singhal is the president of Hinduism International Ministries.


1. Hinduism- Brief Introduction
2. What do Hindus believe?
3. Hindu Worldviews and Mind-set
4. Hindu fears
5. Things to avoid
6. Hindu religion vs. Hindu culture
7. Sharing Christ with Hindus (10 steps)

a. Quick-sale approach
b. mutuality of Interest
c. Sharing Concerns
d Sharing lives
e. Verbal communication
f. Non-verbal communication
g. Bible passages
h. Bible studies
i. Testimony tapes and videos
k. Answering questions/ objections




16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   l  T/845-267-4159  l  F/845-267-4169  l  kwmc@kwmc.com