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제3차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 2. 세계복음화 미완성과제

  2-6. 미전도종족 복음화전략


래리 패잇 Larry Pate

Dr. Larry D. Pate is the President of the Peoples Missions International and a recognized global missions leader. He holds two M.A. degrees in missiology and a Doctor of Missiology degree from the School of World Mission, Fuller Theological Seminary. Dr. Pate has ministered in over 60 countries in the world and is or has served as a consultant to a number of international missionary associations.



The Great Commission injunction to "make disciples of every people (ethnos)" is the supreme standard by which we must measure the success of the Church's mission. Whatever is required to be sure every "people" have an adequate chance to know Christ must be our priority. There are at least 7,000 unreached peoples in the world. They need an effective witness in their won languages and in the mainstream of their own societies. We need to reflect deeply on the principles for providing them that witness.

I. Principle One: Start with the people to be reached. (Not the place!)

1) We must learn to see the world like the Lord of the Harvest does. (OH)
2) Most churches and missions concentrate on doing missions backwards. They focus on those who go as missionaries and on those who send them.
3) The most effective way to evangelize the world is to develop a specific strategy for each people group.
4) There is much available now in the arenas of motivating and mobilizing missionaries, but there is very little available and very little understanding of the issues related to evangelizing people groups.

II. Principle Two: Make strategies which incorporate a thorough under standing of the target people group.

1) We now have available to us an adequate amount of what could be called "Infoware" on over 15,500 peoples. (ILS and AAP)
2) We need more "Knowledgeware" and "Wisdomware" on the unreached.
3) The same thing which is required to produce wisdomware is the same thing which is required to begin the development of a good strategy.
4) Selecting People groups well is part of good strategy development

III. Principle Three: Needs Driven Strategies are the most effective.

1) The principle of Vertical Integration and missions: Focusing on what is needed, not just what we like to do.
2) Strategies must be purposefully designed to incorporated the social and community needs of people groups, as well as the spiritual needs.

IV. Principle Four: Good Strategies employ "context-sensitive" objective planning processes.

To illustrate, let us build a strategy for a people group right now.




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