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제3차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 2. 세계복음화 미완성과제

  2-1. 기독교 21세기운동의 역사와 전망


루이스 부시 Luis Bush

Born in Argentina and raised in Brazil. Luis Bush studied theology in Texas. He is International Director for the AD2000 &: Beyond Movement which seeks to encourage reoperation in establishing a church within every unreached people group and making the gospel available to every person by the year 2000.


I. A biblical comparison to a River of Life

A. Isaiah 44:3,- “presence” of God
C. John 7:38- “power" of God
D.Genesis15:17- “plan" of God
E. Summary: River presents a vivid picture of the people of God in motion: being fruitful, acknowledging the presence of God, experiencing the peace of God, receiving the provision of God, knowing the power of God to fulfill the plan of God.

II. Historical tributaries flowing in ...

A. Regional movements from the two-thirds
B. Conferences such as ...
1. Berlin 1966;
2. Lausanne I in 1974;
3. Edinburgh '80;
4. GCOWE '89 in Singapore,
5. Lausanne II in Manila. July '89

III. 1990-1995 -.The First Five Years of the Decade

A... seeding the clouds with the vision of a church for every people and the gospel for every person by the year 2000 ... in the hope that the rain of God’s blessing would come up on all flesh.

B ... building a new kind of partnering relationship, a grassroots networking structure; a “grassroots movement, a network of networks, a fusion of visions: in which "we are all controlled from the bottom up rather than from the top down." with a “.. .focus on catalyzing, mobilizing. multiplying resources, through networks.•

C. .. with a clear purpose to "encourage cooperation among existing churches, movements, and entities to work together toward the vision of a church for every people and the gospel for every person by the year 2000,

D ... ten global functional and global initiatives:
1. “mobilization”
2. “empowerment”
3. “penetration”
4. “compassion”
5. “collaboration”
6. “intensification”
7. “fulfillment”

IV. GCOWE '95- a Mid-decadal Assessment

A. Momentum increased as a result of GCOWE '95 that brought together some 4000 Christian leaders from 186 countries of the world with. The two-thirds world demonstrated its full partnership, if not primary initiative, in the cause of world evangelization. In their role as host the Korean church has become mainstream.

B. Seven reasons were given why we should work toward the goal of a church for every people and the gospel for every person with faith that we could see it occur by December 31, 2000.

1. Because of promise in the Word of God.
2. Because a great portion of the unfinished task has already been done.
3. Because of the rapid acceleration of divine activity.
4. Because of a global Great Awakening related to a prayer movement.
5. Because the explosive growth of the Two Thirds World church.
6. Because God has endowed the church with the spiritual manpower, material resources and technology to complete the task.
7. Because of genuine partnerships and open cooperation.

V. The Launch of Joshua Project 2000 and the Last Five Years of the Decade A. Summary:

Christian leaders from 77 countries met in a seven day conference held November 28- December 2, 1995 in Colorado Springs launch a five-year final thrust of the AD2000 & Beyond Movement with the backbone of 1. National AD2000 Initiatives and 2. Joshua Project 2000 - A priority global focus on the least evangelized peoples. Both thrusts will be empowered by the AD2000 resource networks and task forces B. The initial goal of Joshua Project 2000 is to establish as a minimum, a pioneer church planting movement resulting in 100 or more believing Christians in one or more reproducing churches within every ethno-linguistic people of over 10,000 individuals.

VI. Conclusion… if the Body of Christ will rise to the challenge




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