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제3차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 1. 선교일반

  1-20. 타문화권에서의 커뮤니케이션


스캇 모라우 Scott Moreau

Graduating with a BS(Physics) from Wheaton College, A. Scott Moreau went on to earn his M.Div. & D.Miss. at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. For fourteen years he served on staff with CCC, ten of those year's in Africa. He taught at The Nairobi International School of Theology for 7 years, then returned to the US to accept a position at Wheaton College and has been teaching in the Graduate School since 1991


1. What is communication?
2. For us as Christians, what is the purpose of all communication?
    – A Biblical consideration of 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
3. Theological foundation
4. The “human” factor
5. The complexity of what we take for granted
6. Concerning the discipline of intercultural studies, at this time
7. Issues in intercultural communication
8. Application




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