1. Introduction
2. What is Education?
3. Two Questions:
1) Is this what the Education of MKs really is?
2) Why is the Education of MKs different?
4. Question 1-The Greatest Educational Influences on the MK are:
5. What are the various options available for our children?
6. How to choose the best method of education for an MK Ask:
7. Other practical questions to be asked include:
8. Other factors which may influence the choice of MK education
9. Question 2 - Why is the education of MKs different?
10. Conclusion
It has been said that the education of MKs is the single roosts important factor to influence the effectiveness of the parents' ministry and the length of the missionaries service overseas. MKs are precious and because of their cross cultural heritage, they have the potential to become even more effective than their parents as world Christians.