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제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 1. 선교일반

 4-16. 성경번역은 어떻게 하나? Translating into an Unwritten Language


포레스트 잰더 Forest Zander

포레스터 젠더는 위클리프성경번역선교회의 미국 중북부 지역 디렉터로 위클리프에서 20년간 사역해 온 베테랑으로 콜롬비아/파나마 지역에서 파일럿/수리공, 그리고 필드 디렉터로 선교사의 사역을 하기도 하였다. 시카고 무디신학교에서 항공을 전공했으며 현재 신약성경이 16개의 언어로 번역되는 마지막 과정을 총괄하고 있다. 또한 선교대회와 세미나 강사로도 활약하고 있다.
Forrest Zander acts as the Director of the North Central Regional Office for the U.S. Division of Wycliffe Bible Translators. Mr. Zander has been serving Wycliffe for twenty years now, previously as a missionary pilot/mechanic and field director in Columbia/Panama. Mr. Zander is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute of Chicago where he majored in aviation. Right now, he is overlooking the final stages to translations of the New Testament into sixteen languages. Mr. Zander is also a noted speaker and lecturer at missions conferences and seminars.      


1. The Need for Translation

1) Over 6,000 languages in use in the world today.
2) Over 3,000 languages without God's Word
3) How Wycliffe Bible Translators fit in.

2. The Tools for Translation

1) Phonology
2) Grammar
3) Literacy
4) Anthropology
5) Translation problems

3. The Results of Translation

1) Evangelism
2) Church planting
3) Trained Indigenous leadership

4. The Commitment to Translation

1) How it fulfills the Great Commission
2) The translator as a catalyst
3) Could I be a translator? Could I recruit someone who would be if he/ she knew about the need?




16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   l  T/845-267-4159  l  F/845-267-4169  l  kwmc@kwmc.com