데이빗 메이스 David Mays
데이빗 메이스는 ACMC(교회선교위원회연합회)의 그레이트 레이크 지역 디렉터로 지역교회를 세계선교로 동원하며 그 자원을 공급해 주는 역할을 하고 있다. 메이스는 일리노이, 인디애나, 오하이오, 미시간, 켄터지 지역의 ACMC에서 사역을 펼쳐 왔다. 테일러대학에서 화학을 전공하고 후에 약학박사 학위를 받았으며 위튼대학에서 신학으로 M.A.를 받았다. 이집트, 케냐, 자이레, 과테말라에서도 사역한 경험이 있다.
David Mays is the Great Lakes Regional Director of the Association of Church Missions Committees (ACMC). ACMC exists to help Christian congregations mobilize their resources for effective involvement for world evangelization. Mr. Mays serves ACMC in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Kentucky. A graduate of Taylor University with a B.A. in Chemistry, he further pursued his studies receiving his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, and finally getting his M.A. in Theological Studies at Wheaton College. His overseas
experience includes Egypt, Kenya, Zaire, and Guatemala.
1. Vision
1) Pastor
2) Purpose
3) The Missions Leadership
4) The Biblical Foundation
2. Management
1) Policy
2) Strategy
3) The Mission Budget
4) Funding Methods
3. Ministry
1) Selecting and Supporting Mission Work
2) Educating the Congregation in Missions
3) Prayer
4) Involving the Congregation
5) Growing Missionaries
6) Ongoing Training For Church Leaders
This workshop explores three major components of the ongoing missionary involvement of the church: vision, management, and ministry.