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제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 2. 선교후보생

 2-24.  북미원주민 선교도전 Missionary Challenges to North American Indians


 짐 해밀튼 Jim Hamilton  

짐 해밀튼은 북미인디언들을 향한 혁신적인 사역을 펼치고 있는 NAIM 미니트스트에서 1969년부터 다양한 사역을 감당하다가 현재 인사 디렉터로 있다. 테일러대학을 나왔다.
Jim Hamilton is the director of personnel for NAIM Ministries, an organization noted for its innovative ministry to North American Indians. He has been with this organization since 1969 and has worked in various capacities: camp director, church planter, and coordinator of summer missions. Mr. Hamilton is a graduate of Taylor University.


1. Conditions of North American Communities Today
1) Indians are desparate for answers to their social problems.
2) Indians communities are full of tremendous need.
3) Many are buying into the subtle philosophies of today.

2. Obstacles to Reaching the Indian Communities Today.
1) Obstacles have developed over the years that make it difficult to reach Indian people.
2) There are very real cultural differences.
3) Another barrier is that the white missionary has been associated with government officials who have taken advantage of Indians. 

3. Korean Missionaries
1) Koreans not only resemble Indians in looks, but also in many other ways.

4. Basic Church Planting Strategy of NAIM

5. Opportunities for Ministry
North American Indians today are searching for an answer to their problems. Koreans Christians have the greatest potential to reach these people. Because there is less of a cultural gap between Koreans and Indians, Korean Christians are more readily accepted by the Indians.




16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   l  T/845-267-4159  l  F/845-267-4169  l  kwmc@kwmc.com