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제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 2. 선교후보생

 2-23.  힌두권의 선교도전 Missionary Challenge in Hindu Areas


 줄리엣 토마스 Juliet Thomas  

토마스 여사는 인도의 OM(Operation Mibilzation) 여성사역 디렉터로 교회 내의 여성, 소녀, 부부부들을 대상으로 교육과 훈련사역을 하고 있다. 또한 인도의 아르파나 국가기도 여성네트워크애 적극 참여하고 있다. 토마스 여사는 여러 선교단체에서 이사로 사역하였고 최근에는 인도 월드비전의 부의장으로 있다. 토마스 여사의 사역목표는 인도 여성들을 지도자로 키우는 것이다.
Mrs. Thomas is presently the director of Women's Ministries of Operation Mobilization in India where she is involved in teaching/training of women/girls/couples in churches. As well she works in linking praying women together into the Arpana National Prayer Network of Women in India. Mrs. Thomas has served on many boards, most currently in World Vision, India as Vice Chairperson. Mrs. Thomas' objective is to develop the leadership of Indian women.


1. Introduction

2. The Concepts & Contest of Hinduism

1) Hinduism: A Religion Difficult to Define
2) Hinduism in Its Religious Context
A. Philosophic Hinduism
B. Religious Hinduism
C. Popular Hinduism
a. temples & worship
b. planets & their influence
c. India as a Holy Land
3) Main Features of Hinduism
4) Modem Trends in Hinduism 

3. Christ for India

1) Christianity: Hindu Perspective
A. Christianity as a Foreign Political Domination
B. Christianity is a Western Religion
2) Christianizing in Ethnic Groups
3) Contextualizing Without Compromise 

4. Communicating Christ to Hindus

1) Bridges and Barriers
2) Do's and Don'ts

5. Conclusion

There is probably no greater challenge than to reach the Hindu culture in India. Juliet Thomas is here to elaborate on how Christianity, a predominantly Western Religion, can touch someone whose religion is predominantly Eastern.




16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   l  T/845-267-4159  l  F/845-267-4169  l  kwmc@kwmc.com