1. Introduction
2. The Concepts & Contest of Hinduism
1) Hinduism: A Religion Difficult to Define
2) Hinduism in Its Religious Context
A. Philosophic Hinduism
B. Religious Hinduism
C. Popular Hinduism
a. temples & worship
b. planets & their influence
c. India as a Holy Land
3) Main Features of Hinduism
4) Modem Trends in Hinduism
3. Christ for India
1) Christianity: Hindu Perspective
A. Christianity as a Foreign Political Domination
B. Christianity is a Western Religion
2) Christianizing in Ethnic Groups
3) Contextualizing Without Compromise
4. Communicating Christ to Hindus
1) Bridges and Barriers
2) Do's and Don'ts
5. Conclusion
There is probably no greater challenge than to reach the Hindu culture in India. Juliet Thomas is here to elaborate on how Christianity, a predominantly Western Religion, can touch someone whose religion is predominantly Eastern.