1. Introduction:
2. The growth in most of the countries can be traced to the crisis in the social-economic systems:
3. It is important to understand something of the history of the conquest if we are also to understand Latin America.
4. General Characteristics of Latin Americans that affect ministry:
5. Keys for ministry:
1) Outsiders are often out - looked down upon.
2) Relationships must be built.
3) Understand their religious orientation:
4) Evangelism is needed in some area still:
6. Greatest need in Latin America is for training and development of national leadership.
7. Evangelism is needed in some areas still.
8. Conclusions:
There are real opportunities and challenges but they need to be met by people willing to understand and learn the culture, the history and what God has already done in Latin America. It will require significant sacrifice and humility to be used significantly. Long time commitments are needed to build lives and serve effectively the church in Latin America.