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제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 2. 선교후보생

 2-13.  선교기관의 역할과 기능 Understanding Mission Agencies


 래리 D. 패이트 Larry D. Pate 


1. Introduction

2. Axioms of Emerging Missions Organization

1) Effective Organization Depends on Effective Strategy
2) Organizational Patterns Tend to Perpetuate Themselves
3) Strategic Planning becomes more important As the Emerging Missions Movement Matures and Increases in Size.
4) Church Administrative Structures Tend to Increase Their Control Over Mission Structures Over Time
5) Mission Structures Tend Toward Becoming Increasingly Autonomous Over Time
6) When a Dynamic, Balanced Tension Between Mission Structures and Church Structures Is Maintained, the Church Expands More Rapidly and Increases in Spiritual Zeal
7) Argentina Model

3. Local Church Based Missionary Sending

1) Advantages
2) Disadvantages
3) African Models
4) India Models

4. A Broader Perspective

5. Conclusion

Common conventional Western theory on mission structures not been able to cater or meet the needs of non-Western leaders who think that there may be more effective ways to organize mission structures. By pointing out perspectives on organizational structure, Dr. Pate hopes to bridge the Western-non/Western gap.




16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   l  T/845-267-4159  l  F/845-267-4169  l  kwmc@kwmc.com