피터 쿠즈믹 Peter Kuzmic
피터 쿠즈믹 박사는 유고슬라비아 오스젝 복음주의신학대학의 교수로 남캘리포니아대학에서 B.A.를, 위튼대학에서 M.A.를 유고슬라비아의 자그렙카톨릭신학교에서 M.Th., Th.D. 학위를 최우등으로 수여했다. 쿠즈믹 박사는 유고슬라비아 다수의 교회에서 목회하였고 풀러신학교에서 강의를 맡기도 하였다. 현재 고든컨웰신학교에서 방문교수로 있다.
Peter Kuzmic is the Professor of Evangelical Theological College in Osijek, Yugoslavia. After receiving his B.A. from Southern California College in Costa Mesa, California, Dr. Kuzmic went on to Wheaton College Graduate School for his M.A. and finally to Catholic Faculty of Theology in Zagreb, Yugoslavia where he received his M. Th. and Th.D. – achieved with summa cum laude honors. Besides teaching at the Theological College, Dr. Kuzmic has pastored in several churches in Yugoslavia. As well, he has taught at
Fuller Theological Seminary and is presently part of the visiting faculty at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.