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제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 1. 선교일반

 1-17. 상황화와 복음 Contextualization of the Gospel


존 그레이션 John Gration

Dr. John Gration is Professor of Missions and Chair of the Missions/Intercultural and Evangelism Department at Wheaton College Graduate School. Prior to joining the Wheaton College Faculty, Dr. Gration was Associate Home Director of the Africa Inland Mission for eight years. He has also served as a missionary in theological education in Kenya and Zaire. Dr. Gration's education includes his B.A. from Gordon College, his M.A. from Wheaton College, and his Ph.D. from New York University. Dr. Gration is also a speaker who has lectured in a number of places and countries. He also has a number of articles published in numerous magazines.


1. Introduction 

2. Elements in Contextualization
1) Definition

3. World of Change
1) Changes in Society Throughout History
2) Recent Changes
3) Effect of Technology 

4. Contextualization: Multi-faceted
1) Different Types of Contextualization
2) Theology's Direct Relationship to Contextualization
3) The Steps of the Church to Come into Being
4) Theological Education -Particularly Ministry 

5. The Gospel and Culture
1) Different Definitions and Interpretations of Contextualization 

6. Contextualization Defined
1) Oration's Definition
2) Arguments of Definition 

7. Two Imperatives
1) Relevance to Context
2) Fidelity to the Truth
3) How Contextualization Should Be Viewed 

8. Contextualization in Life
1) Relating to What We Are 

9. Conclusion
Contextualization deals with relating to the gospel, or permitting it to relate to a particular culture in all its dimensions. John Oration helps us define it and also takes the meaning to further extents by explaining all the facets of the ministry where contextualization applies.




16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   l  T/845-267-4159  l  F/845-267-4169  l  kwmc@kwmc.com