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 KWMC 16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   845.267.4159  ㅣ kwmc@kwmc.com  





제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 선택강좌 > 1. 선교일반

 1-3. 세계선교의 최신동향 The Cutting Edge of Mission Today


폴 피어슨 Paul Pierson

풀러신학교 세계선교학교 학장이자 교수인 폴 피어슨 박사는 브라질, 포루투갈, 캘리포니아에서 각각 교회개척자로, 신학교 교수로, 목회자로 사역하였다. 브라질에서는 장로회신학교 총장을 지내며 각 지역에 교회개척 사역을 하였고 장로교 내에서 세계선교를 위한 강한 목소리와 행동을 취해왔다. 저서로 <성숙하고자 하는 젊은 교회 : 브라질의 장로교>, <사도행전의 주제> 등이 있다.
Paul Pierson is the Dean and Professor of History at Fuller Theological Seminary's School of World Mission. Dr. Pierson has served the Lord in Brazil, Portugal, and Fresno, California as church planter and seminary professor, professor, and pastor respectively. In Brazil he served as President of the Presbyterian Seminary of the North in Recife. He has also worked extensively with churches throughout Brazil. He has served the Presbyterian community as the executive force for world missions. His published works include: A Younger Church in Search of Maturity: Presbyterianism in Brazil and Themes From Acts.


This workshop will outline important trends that have come about in the 1990's. It will primarily be a descriptive and is prescriptive only by implication, but the workshop will stimulate our thinking as we attempt to be faithful in the new decade.

1. Internationalization of the Cross-cultural Missionary Movement
1) Significant mission movements coming out of other parts of the world in the past 20 years.
2) Key Issues.

2. Urbanization

3. Contextualization of the Gospel
1) The good news of God's redemptive activity must be communicated in a specific historical context.
2) Contextualization has to do with issues that the Gospel addresses.

4. Overcoming the Great Reversal
1) 18th and 19th century.
2) Focus has shifted from social service to social action. 

5. The Role of Women

6. Non-Traditional Missionary Groups, primarily Charismatic

7. Alternative Methods of Selecting and Training Leaders
1) Traditional missions have depended heavily on academic institutions.
2) Theological education. 




16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   l  T/845-267-4159  l  F/845-267-4169  l  kwmc@kwmc.com