This workshop will outline important trends that have come about in the 1990's. It will primarily be a descriptive and is prescriptive only by implication, but the workshop will stimulate our thinking as we attempt to be faithful in the new decade.
1. Internationalization of the Cross-cultural Missionary Movement
1) Significant mission movements coming out of other parts of the world in the past 20 years.
2) Key Issues.
2. Urbanization
3. Contextualization of the Gospel
1) The good news of God's redemptive activity must be communicated in a specific historical context.
2) Contextualization has to do with issues that the Gospel addresses.
4. Overcoming the Great Reversal
1) 18th and 19th century.
2) Focus has shifted from social service to social action.
5. The Role of Women
6. Non-Traditional Missionary Groups, primarily Charismatic
7. Alternative Methods of Selecting and Training Leaders
1) Traditional missions have depended heavily on academic institutions.
2) Theological education.