KWMC1992 제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 다섯째날 1992년 7월 31일(금)
성경강해 - "에베소서"
1. The Nature of Lostness (4.17,18)
1) The Futility (Frustration) of Christians Came About When We Rejected God
2) Many Non-Christians Try to Gain Salvation Through Their Own Efforts
3) People Who Are Lost, Are Separated From the Life of God
4) Alienation from the Life of God Is Because of the Ignorance Due to the Hardening of Their Hearts
5) The Only Hope Is to Have the Grace of God
2. Sensuality as an Expression of Lostness (4.19)
1) The First Greek Noun that Expresses Sinfulness Is “ Aselgeia" or Sensuality
2) The Second Greek Noun Is “Akatharsia" or Impurity
3) The Third Greek Noun Is “ Pleonexia" or Lost
3. Staying Clear of Sin (5.3-4)
1) There Must Not Be Any Immorality in a Christian Because We Are God’s Holy People
2) Plan an Alternative Activity to Get Our Mind Off of Sin or Temptation
3) Sinful Pleasures Leave Us Unfulfilled
4) Christians Are Different From Non-Christians Because They Are Holy
4. The Consequence of Immorality (5.5-6)
5. Putting Off and Putting On (4.20-24)
1) We Must Lay Aside Our Old Lifestyle of the Word and Put on the Right Life
2) God Gives Us the Strength by Renewing Our Spirits
6. Truthfulness as a Key to Godliness and Fellowship (4.25)
1) Falsehood Is a Serious Sin
2) We Must Deal with Lying as Soon as We Get Tempted to
3) There Is a Connection Lying and Our Christian Fellowship
7. Anger that Is Not Sinful (4.26,31)
1) We Must Settle Our Problems that Can Be Settled Immediately
2) There Are Two Truths to Help Us Overcome Bitterness
3) There Are Consequences if You Do Not Resolve Y our Problem of Anger
8. A Radically Different Lifestyle (4.27-29)
1) No Part of Human Nature Has Escaped Sin, but We Have the Capacity to Perceive Good