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제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 넷째날 > 선교도전

 [넷째날] 선교도전 - "SIM : Shouldering Responsibilities"


얀 헤이 Ian Hay  / General Director of SIM International

Ian Hay is General Director of SIM International, an organization that works with more than 8.000 indigenous churches in Africa, Asia, and South America. fielding the more than 1.700 missionaries. A graduate of Bryan College. Rev. Hay went on and earned his M.A. degree in Biblical Education at Columbia Graduate School of Bible and Missions. His first missions experience was serving as a missionary in Kuta, Nigeria. Some books that he is the author of include: Now Why Did I Do That? The Biblical Basis of Motivation. Unity and Purity: Keeping the Balance and Foundations: Scriptural Principles Undergirding SIM.


KWMC1992 제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 넷째날 1992년 7월 30일(목)

선교도전 - "SIM : Shouldering Responsibilities"


1. Introduction

2. The Purpose of SIM is to Glorify God

A. The First Task Is Evangelism
B. Temerity, Creativity, and Flexibility - The Hallmark of Missions These Days
C. There Must Be a Commitment to Evangelism
D. Good Works

3. Church Planting

A. Establishing the Church by Any Means
B. Establishing Responsible Churches that Are Out-Going in Their Witness

4. Conclusion






16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   l  T/845-267-4159  l  F/845-267-4169  l  kwmc@kwmc.com