KWMC1992 제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 넷째날 1992년 7월 30일(목)
성경강해 - "에베소서"
1. Suffering Qualifies Us To Exhort Others (4.1)
1) Preachers today seem to advert to urgent exhortation.
2) Suffering is a key to the effectiveness in ministry.
3) People ignore the suffering of missions.
2. Our Calling is to Community Life (4.1-16)
1) Christian idea of community unique.
2) When individual initiative and the independence of individuals is over valued, a sense of community is lost
3) Maintaining deep unity is very difficult.
3. Four Keys to Maintaining Unity (4.2,3)
1) Three Characteristics of people who maintain unity.
2) We must realize who God is and what he has done for us.
3) Joy in God is a key to longsuffering.
4) To maintain unity, we must work hard at it.
4. Logic of Unity (4.4-6)
1) The Role of the church.
2) Primary Goal
3) Divisions among Christians is a stumbling block.
5. Recognizing Diversity: a Key to Maintaining Unity (4.7-12)
1) Gifts.
2) Leaders must recognize the gifts and give people opportunities.
3) Leaders must be able to help people achieve what God has in store for them.
6. The Goal of Maturity (4.16)
1) We will always be growing.
2) We will always face challenges.
3) We must use the challenges to grow.