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제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 셋째날 > 선교도전

 [셋째날] 선교도전 -"Korean Reaching Muslims with the Good News of Jesus Christ"


페이트 케이트 / President and General Director of International Missions, Inc

Patrick O’Hair Cate is presently President and General Director of International Missions, Inc. which fields missionaries in Egypt, England, France, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Japan, Kenya. North America, Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey, and as well as a couple of “closed" countries. A Wheaton College Alumni, Mr. Cate pursued his studies in the area of missions with emphasis on the Middle East as he studied the Arabic language and Persian language. He has worked in the mission field as a church planter in Egypt. He is also the co-author of the book 「Partnering in Ministry」 with Lorry Lutz.


KWMC1992 제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 셋째날 1992년 7월 29일(수)

선교도전 - "Korean Reaching Muslims with the Good News of Jesus Christ"


1. Why Should Koreans Reach Muslims?

1) Exciting Facts About Korean Church History
2) Quote by Ruth Tucker

2. Why Is the Church Growing so Fast in Korea?

1) God’s Call
2) God’s Reason for Placement at a Strategic Juncture in History

3. How Will You Respond?

1) Reaction to God’s Call and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
2) Examples in the Past
3) Cross-cultural Barriers Needed to Be Overcome
4) The Muslim Standpoint on Christianity
5) Main Reason Koreans Should Reach the Muslims
6) Korean Reservations
7) The Challenge and Christ’ s Response to that Challenge
8) Obtaining the Support of Family by Informing Them

4. Opportunities for Korean College and Seminary Graduates

1) IMI Needs in Reaching the Muslim World
2) Evangelism Techniques
3) Biblical and Theological Training Requirements
4) Linguistic Abilities in N않d

5. The Ministry of International Missions 

1) IM’s ministry to non-Muslims
2) Muslims Reached
3) Summer Training Program in Muslim Evangelism
4) Credentials of IMI and Plans for Koreans at IMI

6. Why Should the Church Reach Muslims?

1) God Calling You
2) Jesus' Call
3) Scriptures from Paul

7. Opportunities for Response

Koreans are quickly becoming a strong force in the missions field. That is why Patrick Cate sees a great plan awaiting them to serve the Lord. Due to the cultural orientation of Koreans, Mr. Cate feels a great opportunity is at hand for Koreans to spread the Gospel to Muslims who comprise 1/5 of the world’s population.






16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   l  T/845-267-4159  l  F/845-267-4169  l  kwmc@kwmc.com