KWMC1992 제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 둘째날 1992년 7월 28일(화)
저녁선교대회 선교도전 – "아시아의 선교도전"
[Matthew 9: 35-38]
I. Three Perspectives
A. Broad Geographic Vision
B. People-oriented
C. Evangelism with Power
We live in the middle of a great age. People respect the power of science. People respect political authority. People respect economic or military strength: Evangelistic orientation is always linked with power (“you shall receive power then the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be my witnesses .... ").
II. Asia still has the greatest concentration of unreached peoples in the world, as the largest and most powerful set of governments which deny access to overt missionary activity.
A. Creative means of entering and serving in closed areas
B. 80 per cent of Asian cities unevangelized.
C. 90 per cent of Christian workers are spending their efforts on those who are already evangelized, indeed upon those already in the churches.