KWMC1992 제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 여섯째날 1992년 8월 1일(토)
성경강해 - "에베소서"
1. How to Be Strong
1) Interplay between God’s provision and Our involvement
2) Two Reasons Why Christian Leaders Fall Into Sin
2. Who Are the Forces We Battle Against?
1) Evil Supernatural Beings Are Used by Satan
3. Types of Spiritual Warfare
1) Satan Can 00 So Many Things to Reduce the Effectiveness of Churches
2) Physical Illness Can Be Caused by Satan
3) Evangelism Is also a Form of Spiritual W따f없e
4. This is a Plural Passage
1) Paul’s Use of Plural Shows that Spiritual Warfare Is Done in Community
2) When Battling Satan, We Need Discernment
3) There Are Three Great Enemies of Ministry
5. Standing Our Ground in a Crisis (6.13)
1) When We Face Temptation, We Sometimes Give in to It and Lose Our Ground
2) Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs
3) There Are Several Things that Can Help You Stand Your Ground
4) We Must Fight to the End.
6. The Armor of God (6.14-17)
1) Paul Mentions 까1Ings that Contribute to From Christian Character
7. Prayer Is Battling the Forces of Satan (6.18-20)
1) Prayer Is the Most Powerful Way to Battle Satan
2) Paul Says that We Must Pray in the Spirit
3) Paul Finally Tells Us to “Keep on Praying for All the Saints"
4) We Must All Become Prayer Warriors