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제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 다섯째날 > 저녁선교대회

 [다섯째날] 저녁선교대회 선교도전 - "라틴아메리카의 도전"




루이스 부시 Luis Bush  / International president of Partners International

Luis Bush serves as international president of Partners International which is associated with almost 70 indigenous ministries in 50 countries. Rev. Bush is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary in Texas. He has been a pastor in El Salvador. Published credits include co-authorship of 「Partnering in Ministry」 with Lorry Lutz. Rev. Bush is also leader of AD 2000 and was the coordinator for COMIBAM in 1987.



KWMC1992 제2차 한인세계선교대회 > 다섯째날 1992년 7월 31일(금)

선교도전 - "라틴아메리카의 도전"


1. Introduction

2. The Contextual Challenge of Latin America

1) The Economic Crisis
2) The Political Crisis
3) The Evangelical Response

3. The Ideological Challenge of Liberation Theology

4. The Missiological Challenges of Latin America

1) The Challenge of the Cities
2) The Challenge of the Tribal Peoples
3) The Challenge of the Students

5. The Religious Challenges of Latin America

1) The Challenges of the Roman Catholic Church
2) The Challenge of the “Spirits"

6. The Evangelical Challenge in Latin America

1) The Challenge of a Growing Church
2) The Challenge of an Explosive Missions' Vision
3) COMIBAM 87 - the Conference
4) COMIBAM - Continuation

7. Conclusion

Latin America is a great challenge for the missions field from every expanse of its country. From city to rural areas, the economic & political crisis creates a demand and yearning for Christ that needs to be met. Rev. Luis Bush is here to give reasons for a recruitment approach for the Korean Church to Latin America.






16 Elliots Alley, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA   l  T/845-267-4159  l  F/845-267-4169  l  kwmc@kwmc.com