고홍석 U.S. Army Chaplain Graduated
Fordham University (NY), B. A., Philosophy, Westminster
Theological Serminary (PA), M. DIV., Clinical Pastoral
Education (CPE), Erskine Theological Serminary (SC),
D. Min Candidate, Experience: U.S. Army Chaplain
for 14 years, Served in Korea, Germany, Ft Lewis(WA),
Ft. Meade (MD), Water Reed Army Medical Center (DC)
“As a chaplain I truly feel that I am following
Christ’s incarnated ministry. I go where my soldiers
go, I sleep where they sleep, eat what they eat;
experience with them all tht they experience. God
has given me an opportunity to make the greast impact
on people’s lives. Slodiers assigned over 100 countries.
Chaplains will get the opportunity to not only go
and but to reach out, connect and servre in all
those places. God used the chaplaincy to challenge
me and overcome a narrow minded way of thinking,
to experience a broader world and ministries to
meet all kinds of spiritual needs. It has been a
golden and divinely given opportunity for me to
become more than I thought I could ever be and see
the greatness of God’s power and presence through
it. This mionistry absolutely reminds me about Christ’s
incarnated ministry. It is such a blessing to feel
like I am literally following my Lord’s footsteps.”
- Chaplain (MAJ) Joseph H. Ko