Education 1983, Bachelor
0f Arts in Psychology, California State University,
Los Angeles Ķ�����Ͼ� �ָ�����, �ɸ��л�;
1991, Master of Divinity, School of Theology at
Claremont, Claremont, California Ŭ�����Ʈ ���б�
�����; 2003, Doctor of Ministry at Saint Paul
Theological Seminary �� �ٿ� ���б� ��ȸ�� �ڻ����
Experience 1987-1993
Korean UMC of Greater Washington as Associate Pastor
�ͽ��� ����(���հ���)��ȸ �θ�� 1993-1999 Delaware
Korean UMC, Pastor ������� ���ο��հ�����ȸ ���Ӹ�� 1999-present
Bell Memorial UMC(���ο��հ�����ȸ), Pastor ���ο��հ�����ȸ
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