
Reinhard Bonnke Reinhard
Bonnke pastored a church in Germany for seven years
and then went on to start mission work in southern Africa
where God placed a vision in his heart to see the entire
nation of Africa come to salvation. He began holding
meetings in a tent accommodating 800 people. Since then
he has held meetings across the continent with as many
as 1.6 millions people. He founded Christ for all Nations
(CfaN) over thirty years ago. Since the start of
the new millennium, through a host of major events in
Africa and other parts of the world and aimed at seeing
100,000,000 souls record a decision for Jesus Christ
in this decade, some 44 million have responded to the
Gospel call. As part of the discipleship-training program,
190,000,000 copies of CfaN literature have been published
in 143 languages and printed in 54 countries. He is
known as one with a burning passion for the Gospel,
a vision for Africa and a message for the world.

Loren Cunningham Loren
Cunningham is founder and president of University of
the Nations. He is also founder of Youth With A Mission
(YWAM), which mobilizes and trains young people
for the purpose of spreading the Gospel. He has gone
to more than 291 countries for the sake of the gospel.
This has given him valuable insight into global trends
and uniquely prepares him to share God's strategies
for world evangelism.

Elijah Jong Fil Kim Ph.D.
in Theology, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Overseas
missionary to the Philippines for 13 years Conducting
several national, regional and local crusades, seminars,
pastoral conferences in the Philippines, Japan, China,
Hong Kong, England, Myanmar and more than 20 countries Chaplain
of Manila Hankuk Academy, First Korean MK international
school for 2 years Director of Vitality Project of Emmanuel
Gospel Center (www.egc.org) for church renewal, revival
and awakening movements among mainline churches and
multicultural churches in New England Author of "The
Decline of European Christianity and the Rise of American
and Third World Christianity" and many more

Che Ahn Che Ahn
is the senior pastor of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena,
CA. He is also founder and president of Harvest International
Ministries, a worldwide apostolic network of more than
5000 churches in more than 35 nations. The ministry's
vision is to sweep the globe with the love and power
of the Holy Spirit through intimacy with the Father,
and to fulfill the Great commission, transforming lives
and nations. He received his M.Div. and D. Min. from
Fuller Theological Seminary and has played a key role
in many strategic local, national and international
outreaches to bring unity, diversity and change to the
Body of Christ. He served as CEO of The Call, a youth
movement that mobilized three generations to massive
prayer and fasting for revival in the United States
and many other nations.

Daniel Kim Daniel
Kim is the founder and director of Destiny Training
International (El Monte, California), a training and
research institute focused on Christocentric spirituality.
Having diverse ministry experiences (as pastor,
teacher, revivalist, church planter, consultant, and
spiritual director), Daniel has received a number of
academic degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary (M.Div.,
Th.M., Ph.D.). In his doctoral dissertation,
Daniel investigated the nature of biblical prophetic
authority and spirituality-of the Old Testament prophets,
New Testament apostles, and Jesus Christ. Daniel
continues his research and training, aiming to integrate
proper theology (Christological and Trintarian), and
deep spirituality (contemplative and prophetic). Daniel's
passion is to help train and mobilize the emerging servant-leaders
in the body of Christ in the most dynamic, strategic,
and transformative way, so that they may be best prepared
to fulfill their God-ordained destiny.

Joshua Kang Joshua
Kang received his Bacholor of Arts from UC Berkely and
went on to get his M.Div and Th.M from Fuller Theological
Seminary. He then received his Ph. D. from the Trinity
Evangelical Divinity School. Currently he serves as
the lead pastor at Lakeview Church in Chicago, IL.

Ron and Judy Smith Ron
and Judy Smith pastored a church in Northfield, MA for
two years before joining YWAM to do a Discipleship Training
School. After their DTS, they pioneered and led the
first School of Biblical Studies (SBS) with YWAM. SBS
is a nine month school, a course in an Inductive Study
through all 66 books of the Bible. They staffed schools
for 18 years and pioneered several others and have ministered
in 45 nations.

Gladys Staines Gladys Staines (born 1951) is the
widow of Australian missionary Graham Staines. Graham
Staines was burnt alive along with their two sons Timothy (aged 9) and Philip
(aged 7) in Orissa, India on January 22, 1999. In 2004, she decided to go to Australia
to stay with her daughter and father. She however said that she would continue
to look after the people she and her husband had been looking after so far. In
2005, she was awarded the Padma Shri, a civilian award from
the Government
of India. This drew protests from right-wing organisations in the country.

Steve Saint Steve
Saint was born and raised in Ecuador where his parents
were missionaries. His father, Nate Saint, was the "Jungle
Pilot" who was killed in 1956 by the Waodani Indians
whom they were trying to evangelize to. He grew up knowing
the men who had killed his father and came to love them,
to regard them as family, to be baptized by their hands,
and to be embraced as a son. He is founder of I-TEC,
Indigenous People's Technology and Education Center.

Jennifer Toledo Jennifer
Toledo is the Founder and Director of Global Children's
Movement. Jennifer's
passion is to see the next generation equipped and released
into the fullness of the Kingdom. She has ministered
extensively throughout many different nations, seeing
transformation come to communities as they embrace kingdom
principles and generational unity. Her desire is to
see a whole generation truly fall in love with Jesus
and be released to partner with heaven . For years,
Jennifer has been a strong voice calling the church
back to the simple undiluted gospel, and for the kingdom
of heaven to manifest on behalf of the poor. Jennifer
lives in Los Angeles with her husband Jonatan and two